pylon signs
Storefront Signage

Stand Tall and Stand Out: The Benefits of Pylon Signs for Your Business in Canada

Offering tremendous creative possibilities, a good pylon sign can lead to more customers and higher sales.

The right pylon sign can amplify your business’s message and increase its daily visibility. A pylon sign is a tall outdoor sign that’s held up by two poles or another solid structure. There are several options on the market for businesses in strip malls, business parks, and industrial areas. A large sign can work well in many locations. 

The perfect design attracts the attention of customers. Additionally, pylon signage makes you stand out in high-traffic areas compared to competing businesses. Consider adding one to your next advertising project. 

Do you need a new way to advertise? Let a pylon sign help you reach the height of your success today.

What Are the Benefits of Pylon Signs for Canadian Businesses?

Pylon signs provide your customers with valuable information about your business and are one of the most effective advertising methods on the market. What makes them so great? It’s time to find out. 

Increases Visibility

The most obvious benefit of pylon signs is how much visibility they give your business. Regardless of height, these signs are easy to spot from any distance. Some signs light up at night for people to see from the roadside without getting out of their vehicles. A pylon sign is especially helpful when your storefront is not visible to those passing by. 

Customization Options

Several types of pylon signs are available, and you can customize yours to suit your business. They give you the gift of choice. There are various sizes, colours, and fonts to choose from. One of the biggest advantages of pylon signs is their size, so using creative graphics that don’t take away from your business’s message is essential. Luckily, these signs are easy to change and update. 

Low Maintenance

Another great feature of pylon signs is they’re easy to maintain. The majority of pylon signs use inserts, and all you need to do is change the insert when you want to update the information on your sign. The customization makes it easy to advertise store promotions and new product lines. Digital LED signs are another option. 


Using pylon signs to advertise your business is cost-effective and requires little maintenance. Additionally, such signs are cheaper than billboards, but still convey your message. If you’re looking to save money while attracting more customers, a pylon sign is the type of sign you want to order. 

Good Looks

Incorporating pylon signs with attractive designs into your marketing plan can set you apart from the competition. It can bring customers into your store and make a difference in sales. Being able to change your sign quickly allows you to showcase new products and services as they become available. In turn, you can expand your customer base. 

No matter the location of your building, pylon signs can have a huge impact on your business. You can customize them to suit your needs and requirements. Contact National Neon to learn more about the benefits of pylon signs.

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