11 Reasons You Need To Update Your Business Sign

Digital Signage

How long has it been since you updated your business sign? Is it dated, damaged, hard to read, or off-brand?

Your sign is often the customer’s first impression of your business. You may not have put much thought into it before, but your sign is one of the best marketing and advertising tools you have.

Here are 11 reasons you need to update your business sign.

Your Sign Can’t Be Seen At Night

If your sign isn’t illuminated, you are losing out on a huge chunk of free advertising at night. This puts you at a serious competitive disadvantage if similar businesses are visible 24/7 but you’re not. You can always get a spotlight, but consider a Led, Neon, or backlit sign for increased advertising power.

Your Sign Lacks Visibility

If your business is set back from the road, or new developments have since obscured your signs visibility, it may be difficult for passersby to notice it. Consider investing in a monument or pylon sign placed near the entrance of your business to help customers find your business more easily.

Your Sign Is Outdated

Styles and trends change frequently, and you could be losing business if your sign looks outdated compared to your competition. A sign with a modern look that stands out is crucial to attracting new customers and signaling that your business isn’t stuck in the past.

Concept and design are integral in creating a sign that meets the current trends. Put in the time and get professional help crafting the perfect sign that matches your brand image.

You’re Losing Business

If your storefront sign isn’t attracting the business it once was, it’s likely time for a signage upgrade. Your sign is one of the most effective marketing tools your business has – it needs to spark interest, convey quality, and build trust.

If your sign is poorly designed, damaged, hard to see, or hard to read; consider upgrading to a custom-designed sign.

You’re Business Is Rebranding

Businesses must update their brand identity to capture new clientele. Maybe you’ve updated your logo with new colors or created a new company motto. Your customer sign needs to reflect that new identity.

Your sign is an integral part of your strategic marketing. Consistency in messaging is crucial for your audience to recognize your business and know what it stands for.

Your Sign Is Inaccurate

This one is obvious, but if your sign conveys incorrect or inaccurate information, then it’s time for a new sign. Maybe your phone number has changed, or you’ve displayed the price of a product that’s now increased. Incorrect information on your sign will lower trust and could lead to lost customers.

If you want the flexibility to display changing the information on your sign, consider investing in a digital sign that you can update as often as you’d like.

You’ve Had Same Sign For Too Long

Looking at something too often makes it less interesting, and less noticed. As people pass your outdated sign over and over, it may just become part of the landscape, like an old tree. A bright & well-designed updated sign will bring new attention to your business by standing out. Change is necessary for success!

Your Sign Is Damaged

First impressions are everything, and if your sign is damaged, broken, vandalized, or has missing letters, this will put off customers and negatively affect business.

An attractive, clean, and functioning sign will convey trust and reliability to your customers. Consider upgrading your sign materials to something more sturdy or installing an awning or canopy to protect it from the elements.

Your Sign Is Too Small

Is your sign too small to see or can’t be read from far away? Passing motorists only have a few seconds to read your sign and register its message. Make sure your exterior sign is large enough and readable from both near and far.

Your Sign Is Too Hard To Read

No matter how bright and visible your sign is, you’ll lose business if your customers can’t easily understand what it says. If you’ve picked a fancy but hard to read font or cluttered your sign with too much information, people will look away. Customers won’t spend time deciphering hard to read signs, so don’t make them work to understand it!

Modern trends say that less is more, and simplicity wins over complexity. Use an eye-catching design with as few words as you need to capture their attention.

Update Your Sign With National Neon Signs

Is it time to update your sign? You can trust National Neon Signs for all of your signage needs, from design to installation. We’ll help you every step of the way and take into consideration construction challenges and local bylaws.

Contact National Neon Signs or visit our website today!

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Noah is the sales manager of National Neon Signs and is commited to supplying the best storefront and commercial signage to businesses across Canada as possible.

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