How Effective Is Digital Signage For Business?

How effective is digital signs for business

You’ve seen digital signs in all sorts of businesses, ranging from fast-food joints to retail stores. While at first glance they might not seem like a necessary expense, the truth is that digital signs can be highly effective for businesses of all sizes.

Just how effective are they, and do businesses see ROI when they implement digital signage? 

Let’s take a look at the evidence.

According to a Pickcel article, 50% of business professionals consider digital signage effective for communication. 80% of businesses that have incorporated digital signage have seen increased sales. The digital signage market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.5% by 2028

Digital signage is an effective way to reach customers and influence their purchasing decisions. If you’re considering investing in digital signage for your business, know that you’ll likely see a good return on your investment. 

How Digital Signage Encourages Business Growth

A modern marketing strategy is essential for boosting your bottom line in the contemporary era. Hence, digital signs are a modern way of digital marketing. 

Attract Customers

Use digital signage to grab the attention of nearby potential customers. This is especially useful for businesses that are located in high-traffic areas. Using digital signs, you can display your product or services in an engaging and visually appealing way to hook people looking your way.

Increase Sales 

Among other things, digital signage increases sales by getting in front of impulsive buyers. 

Personalized messaging and incentives displayed throughout a business can inspire customers to do unplanned shopping. 

Moreover, digital signage has been proven to influence customers’ purchasing decisions. A business can increase sales by using attractive visuals and graphics to make its products appear more appealing to clients.

Ensures Brand Management

Creating effective ads with people responding to them is the first step toward attracting new clients. It’s not uncommon for companies to incorporate their social media accounts and emblems into their advertisements. 

Cost-effective Advertisement

Digital signage is a cost-effective way to advertise your company. You can broadcast your messages effortlessly throughout the day. 

Customize your signs with movies, graphics, and new templates as you desire- it’s practical and affordable. Plus, it is more customizable than traditional billboards, newspapers, magazines, and television. 

Boost Your Business’s Recall

Almost everyone has access to social and digital media in today’s digital age. By advertising your business with the best digital signs, you stay in people’s minds long after they see it. 

As a result, it increases customer retention and business recall. 

In stores, you will often see advertisements designed to entice buyers to take action immediately. Various steps can be included here, such as placing an order, buying something, or directing customers to an area of interest, perhaps clearance to get rid of old stock.  


Digital signage is valuable for businesses wishing to improve customer interaction. 

Today, more consumers are getting their information via screens than ever before. Traditional print media, such as newspapers and billboards, are no longer consumers’ primary sources of information. Businesses that take advantage of this shift in consumer behavior will be further ahead of the curve than those that don’t get in the game.

If you’re considering implementing a digital signage system, be sure to consider the following factors:

  • How you want people to interact with your sign
  • What you want to achieve with digital signage 
  • Which physical area of your business requires a sign, and how much room do you have there?

Finally, digital signage is a valuable addition to any business. Still, it’s also essential to understand the different types of systems and how to use them to achieve your goals. With some planning, you can create a digital signage system to help your business succeed.

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Noah is the sales manager of National Neon Signs and is commited to supplying the best storefront and commercial signage to businesses across Canada as possible.

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