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Business Signage

11 Reasons You Need To Update Your Business Sign

How long has it been since you updated your business sign? Is it dated, damaged, hard to read, or off-brand?

Your sign is often the customer’s first impression of your business. You may not have put much thought into it before, but your sign is one of the best marketing and advertising tools you have.

Here are 11 reasons you need to update your business sign.

Your Sign Can’t Be Seen At Night

If your sign isn’t illuminated, you are losing out on a huge chunk of free advertising at night. This puts you at a serious competitive disadvantage if similar businesses are visible 24/7 but you’re not. You can always get a spotlight, but consider a Led, Neon, or backlit sign for increased advertising power.

Your Sign Lacks Visibility

If your business is set back from the road, or new developments have since obscured your signs visibility, it may be difficult for passersby to notice it. Consider investing in a monument or pylon sign placed near the entrance of your business to help customers find your business more easily.

Your Sign Is Outdated

Styles and trends change frequently, and you could be losing business if your sign looks outdated compared to your competition. A sign with a modern look that stands out is crucial to attracting new customers and signaling that your business isn’t stuck in the past.

Concept and design are integral in creating a sign that meets the current trends. Put in the time and get professional help crafting the perfect sign that matches your brand image.

You’re Losing Business

If your storefront sign isn’t attracting the business it once was, it’s likely time for a signage upgrade. Your sign is one of the most effective marketing tools your business has – it needs to spark interest, convey quality, and build trust.

If your sign is poorly designed, damaged, hard to see, or hard to read; consider upgrading to a custom-designed sign.

You’re Business Is Rebranding

Businesses must update their brand identity to capture new clientele. Maybe you’ve updated your logo with new colors or created a new company motto. Your customer sign needs to reflect that new identity.

Your sign is an integral part of your strategic marketing. Consistency in messaging is crucial for your audience to recognize your business and know what it stands for.

Your Sign Is Inaccurate

This one is obvious, but if your sign conveys incorrect or inaccurate information, then it’s time for a new sign. Maybe your phone number has changed, or you’ve displayed the price of a product that’s now increased. Incorrect information on your sign will lower trust and could lead to lost customers.

If you want the flexibility to display changing the information on your sign, consider investing in a digital sign that you can update as often as you’d like.

You’ve Had Same Sign For Too Long

Looking at something too often makes it less interesting, and less noticed. As people pass your outdated sign over and over, it may just become part of the landscape, like an old tree. A bright & well-designed updated sign will bring new attention to your business by standing out. Change is necessary for success!

Your Sign Is Damaged

First impressions are everything, and if your sign is damaged, broken, vandalized, or has missing letters, this will put off customers and negatively affect business.

An attractive, clean, and functioning sign will convey trust and reliability to your customers. Consider upgrading your sign materials to something more sturdy or installing an awning or canopy to protect it from the elements.

Your Sign Is Too Small

Is your sign too small to see or can’t be read from far away? Passing motorists only have a few seconds to read your sign and register its message. Make sure your exterior sign is large enough and readable from both near and far.

Your Sign Is Too Hard To Read

No matter how bright and visible your sign is, you’ll lose business if your customers can’t easily understand what it says. If you’ve picked a fancy but hard to read font or cluttered your sign with too much information, people will look away. Customers won’t spend time deciphering hard to read signs, so don’t make them work to understand it!

Modern trends say that less is more, and simplicity wins over complexity. Use an eye-catching design with as few words as you need to capture their attention.

Update Your Sign With National Neon Signs

Is it time to update your sign? You can trust National Neon Signs for all of your signage needs, from design to installation. We’ll help you every step of the way and take into consideration construction challenges and local bylaws.

Contact National Neon Signs or visit our website today!

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Business Signage

How To Pick The Best Sign For Your Business

Your signage is one of your businesses’ best marketing and advertising tools. A good sign will attract customers by being easily readable, clearly visible, and conveying just the right message.

We’ve put together a shortlist of elements to consider when choosing your next sign.


The Design

The design of your sign needs to attract new customers while retaining the old ones.  Designing a sign on your own can be difficult without proper training. That’s why hiring a custom sign designer is always a good idea. You might know what you like, but a designer understands what is and is not attractive to the general population.

A good designer combines your overall business theme with color, font, and many other elements, to provide a clean, modern, and attractive design for your sign.


Be Consistent With Your Brand

Your brand is what sets you apart from your competition, and so your sign must match the other branding elements of your business. Be consistent with color, style, and themes across marketing and advertising materials.

If your business’s tone is light-hearted, or professional, or serious, your sign should reflect that. Consistency shows that you understand the market and creates your unique identity and feel your customers will recognize.


Choose Your Colors

Most of your customers are visually oriented. Colors create an instant subconscious impression that will impact the appeal of your business. The specific colors you choose gives your customers a clue to how they should feel when they think about your business.

While there are no hard rules, it’s good to keep in mind certain colors are generally associated with different emotions. Warm colors such as reds and oranges tend to elicit more aggressive emotions, while cool blues and greens are more calming. Warm colors, for example, can increase appetite, while cool colors can suppress it.

Similarly, heavy color contrast will stand out more, while similar colors create a sense of harmony and calm. Think about what emotions you want your customers to feel when they think about your business.


Brand Personality

While branding your sign with the company name is standard, it is by no means the only elements you can incorporate. Your exterior sign is a chance to let your creativity and personality shine. As with colors, different elements such as pictures, messages, or logos will trigger instantly emotions and convey a lot of information about your company.

A cartoon animal printed on the sign of a child-care center instantly elicits certain emotions.. A personalized message such as “thank you for shopping” on your sign can further connect you with your customer.



You might have a good design in mind, but determining what you want your sign to accomplish is an important consideration. Signs can perform more functions than just as a billboard to let people know you exist. They draw attention from people on the street, advertise special deals, and internal signs can act as salespeople for displaying merchandise and other useful information.



You want your sign to be as visible as possible while respecting local regulations. If your business is set back from the road, consider a pylon or a monument sign to increase visibility.



Consider your cities weather and climate before choosing your sign. Factors such as extreme heat or cool, humidity, or strong winds may affect your signs life-span. Extra protection may increase costs so have that in mind before you buy.

The elements will wear down your sign over time, so consider installing an awning or canopy for increased protection.


The Type Of Sign

There are dozens of sign types available that suit a range of functions.  Freestanding signs can be placed near roadsides or walkways to increase visibility, or building-mounted signs if you already have high visibility. Interior signs are for a variety of purposes from wayfinding to digital prints, etching, and menu boards.


Content On Your Sign

The words you choose to write are one of your signs’ most important elements. What do you want your customers to know when they read your sign? Signs can be as simple as just the company logo, or loaded with contact information, special offers, and personalized messages. Your decision should be based on an understanding of your clientele’s preferences.


Know The Regulations

Don’t make the mistake of choosing a sign only to find out it’s against regulations. Some places restrict the size, type, or location of signs, while others have rules around displaying up to date and correct information.

Make sure you put in the time to research your local restrictions to avoid issues later on.

Remember that business signs are much more than a display for your company’s name. It’s your number one sales tool and marketer. Choosing the right sign will change your business for the better.

Ready to get your new business sign? Contact National Neon Signs or visit our website today! Our experts will help you every step of the way from design to installation. We serve businesses across Canada with all of their signage needs.

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Business Signage

Types Of Physical Distancing Signs And How They Can Help Your Business

Physical distancing is the new reality your customers live in. In order to cater to their needs, your business must help them comply with pandemic-related rules and regulations. A good sign can help you to cater to your customer’s needs create a well-designed and functional sign for your business.

Let’s see why you need physical distancing signs and how a well-crafted sign increases customer confidence and helps you win business over the competition.


Main Purposes And Types Of Physical Distancing Signs


There are two main purposes of such signs: directional and instructional.


Directional Signs


Directional signs help your customers find their way around your shop or building. By guiding them along, you enable these people to find what they need in a fast and safe manner.

Place your directional physical distancing signs on the floor to pinpoint the traffic flow directions. This enables customers to find the entrance and the exit with ease.


Instructional Signs


Use instructional signs to remind your visitors of the physical distancing rules they need to observe. Also, use these signs in all areas that are prone to attracting groups of people such as reception desks and cashier areas. This helps everyone feel safer while shopping inside your store.

Instructional signs also show that you care for the health and well-being of the community members and potential clients. The fact that you invest in signage is a sign that you put your customer above anything else.

There are several types of signs that work best for this kind of message: floor signs, wall signs, and wind signs.


Floor Signs


Always apply your directional signs directly on the floor, particularly by entrances and exits, as well as by a cashier’s area.

Arrows are the clearest way to ensure the traffic flows as you intend. As customers need to maintain a safe distance, placing various markers on your signs such as colored dots, rectangles and lines helps customers to know where to stand to wait in line.

One of the biggest advantages of floor signs is that they are fairly inexpensive yet very effective. Besides, they don’t take up any valuable space. As long as your office or shop has a floor, you’re all set to help your customers and business partners stay safe during their visit.


Wall Signs


Place informational and instructional signs on the walls of your building to remind your visitors of the most important physical distancing rules.

These signs work best in those areas where people have to wait for something. When you design these signs, ensure they are clear and easy to read. If people need to put on their reading glasses or otherwise struggle to understand or comprehend your message, then the sign is ineffective.

For best results, use easily legible typefaces and choose the biggest font size possible.


Benefits To Your Customers


By knowing how to move and where to stand inside your building, your customers feel reassured that you care about their health and safety, even if they’re not consciously thinking about it. The safer they feel, the more positive they’ll feel about your business which increases the chances that they recommend your business to their friends and family members.


Benefits To Your Business


By showing your customers that you care for them, you encourage them to visit your facilities more often and to spend more time in your shop or building. This is one of the most effective ways to drive additional revenue and therefore to score better profits by increasing your sales volumes.

In addition, giving back to your community is an absolute must. Physical distancing signs are a great start to building a good reputation for your business.

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Business Signage

How Good Signs Increases Sales For Your Business


Businesses with great well-designed signs that stand out are more easily remembered, and help drive more sales.

Just think about it? How did you come to know about some of your favorite products or brands?

Just take a small walk down a busy city street and you’ll notice that the businesses that truly stand out are those that have good signs. From restaurants and shops to brokers and attorneys, signage creates brand awareness and speaks to consumers who may be in need of your product or services.

Your brand is heavily linked to your signage, so getting the best sign possible should be a top priority for your business.


How Good Signs Increases Sales


A good sign has a direct impact on your sales. If your signage is good, your sales are bound to be good as well. Cleverly designed and well-thought-out signs are difficult to ignore. Many businesses dedicate a lot of money to fancy product launches and digital marketing campaigns, often at the expense of signage.

Consumers want to be noticed, charmed, and appreciated. If your signage is effective and placed in the right places, consumers will want to see what your business has to offer.


Stand In Your Buyer’s Shoes


Looking through your customer’s perspective is actually quite easy. Simply step outside your business premises and look at your storefront sign and ask yourself these questions.

  • Is it clearly visible?
  • Does it speak to who you are and how you may be feeling?
  • Does it tell you useful and relevant information?
  • Would a potential buyer clearly understand the product or service you have to offer?

These are some questions you should think about when creating signage for your business.

When a customer passes by your shop, do they see a clear and elaborate sign? Good signage is both visible and legible, and able to communicate easily and effectively without a shadow of a doubt. Here are some key things to consider:

  • Easy To Read – If it’s not legible, customers will not stop and try to figure it out.
  • Placement – Is the signage clearly visible and in a position where it easily catches the eye of passers-by?
  • Stand Out –  Does your signage stand out from other nearby businesses?
  • Inviting – Does your signage arouse the interest of customers and make them want to come inside and see.
  • Seen at night – Can customers see your sign at night or in low light?


How Good Signs Increases Sales


Walk into your shop or business. Are the signs properly branded, concise and informative? Do they assist a potential buyer to make a purchasing decision? Clear signs that that indicate special offers and discounts easily boost sales!

You should know that over 80% of purchase decisions are made on impulse! A sign that informs a customer of a great deal has a higher chance of prompting them to make a purchase.

Most people want an easy decision, have your sign tell people what you want them to do and they’ll likely do it.


Signage Is At The Center of Marketing


Signage should be a central part of your marketing strategy. In order to get the best signs for your business, it’s highly recommended that you enlist the help of a professional signage company. They will help you implement your vision in the best way possible.

These days, there are a vast array of signage options are at your disposal. This makes it easy to promote your business or brand in a very unique and original way.


Stand Out From the Crowd


The main purpose of your sign is to get customers through the door. Working with a professional graphic designer and sign installation company, you will be able to create unique and effective signage that will help you stand out from the crowd.

When done well, signs foster brand awareness and boost sales significantly. Successful brands and businesses have known for many decades.

Don’t let your business suffer from low sales due to poorly designed, old, outdated, or hard-to-read signage. Learning how good signs increase sales is the first step to success.

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Business Signage

8 Reasons Why LED Signs Work So Well

LED digital signs are the most requested signage for good reason.

A well-designed LED sign is eye-catching, clean, and classy. Along with LED signs, we also offer digital, wayfinding, pylon, monument, cabinet, awnings, and channel letter signs as well.

Let’s take a look at 10 ways a great quality digital LED sign helps your storefront stand out.



The moving animation and bright colors of digital LED signs grab people’s attention far more than a basic banner.  In fact, it is said that as much as 70% of people that read a message on an LED sign better than other types. LED Signs are vibrant and bright and simply grab people’s attention and hold on tight.


Built-Tough & Long Lasting

An LED Sign is built to withstand some of the toughest weather conditions possible. In fact, they typically last more than 10 years in perfect condition. They are vandal resistant and easily one of the best choices for long lasting signage.


Environmentally Friendly

LED signs use very little electricity. You probably know that LED lights are very inexpensive to operate in your home, and the same is true for your sign. In fact, LED Signs take less energy than your home’s air conditioning unit.  Bright flashy signs may seem like they’re expensive to operate, however, they are quite cheap and economical.


Increases Brand Awareness

A bright and well-designed sign that grabs attention means people remember what’s on the sign – your business name.  Attention and recognition help with your branding and general awareness.

Your branding is a very important part of your marketing efforts.  People will remember a good sign and what it says. A new LED sign brings your business up to date and adds a level of trust to clients looking for your types of services.


Longer Life Span

LED signs last on average 6 more years than other illuminated signs like neon signs or fluorescent bulb signs, making LED signs a sound investment. The lifespan of an LED sign is well over 10 years and needs almost no maintenance. The sign will remain bright and beautiful for years to come.


LED Digital Signs Are Easy To Update

LED signs are extremely versatile and customizable.  While other signs are stagnate and permanent, LED signs can change their wording or imagery easily.  LED signs present a great opportunity to update the community.  Schools, health places, and retail stores can all take advantage of LED signs’ ability to change and give different and useful information to customers and clients. These offer a great way to introduce events, announce a sale or make people aware of changes to the business.


Automated Brightness Control

Automatic brightness control allows your sign to be seen during a bright sunny day but won’t blind people at night and is very similar to your phone’s screen.

When our phones or signs adjust to the ideal brightness automatically, it’s comfortable and we don’t have to think about it. But without automation, you’re constantly changing the settings or getting frustrated with it being too bright or not bright enough.



You can offer videos and moving clips that are attention-grabbing. Studies have shown that an LED digital sign has one of the highest returns on investment, as you can display a huge amount of information in the form of pictures, text, and moving video footage. People tend to notice an LED sign more often and is an amazing aid to other forms of marketing.

Are you in need of an LED sign or have other questions? Call the experts at National Neon and increase customer awareness, attention, and sales.


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Business Signage

Why Finding A Great Signage Company Is Essential


Businesses today are faced with an increasingly competitive environment. The Internet has made it easier for even the smallest of companies to compete with brand building and engaging with prospective and current clients.

However, even in this increasingly virtual marketing environment, there are some tactics that companies still employ to win over new customers and keep existing customers.

One of these tactics is hiring the right signage company to that will take care of your business signage needs.


Signage – A Brief History

The first modern billboards for instance were erected at the turn of the century – but examples of signage can be found on excavated portions of retail establishments such as eateries in the ancient city of Pompei – and their use extends even further back than that.

The fact is that signage just works. It has simply stood the test of time. No matter how important advertising and promotional activity is, people still live in bricks and mortar world – and signage reaches them where they work, live, and play.


What A Great Signage Company Helps You Do

The importance of signage to companies offering both services and products cannot be overstated. But the question is, what do signage companies need to offer the business owners? What needs do these signage companies need to address?

Signage companies must consider multiple factors for your unique business sign.


Sign Type

The most important advice a qualified sign company can offer is on the type of signage best suited for that business. This depends on a variety of factors, including the type of product or service sold, the business location, the client demographics, and the environment within which that signage is to be used. 

Project Management Services
A qualified and professional signage company will offer project management services. Geared toward multi phase projects and multiple signage types in a specific tender, bid, or RFP, project management teams within a signage company has the know-how to work with architects, contactors, and designers in order for product & fabrication knowledge and fulfill  production timelines and implementation with all parties involved



As with all purchases, the cost of the signage will factor into your decision making. A qualified signage company will be able to offer clients advice on what the costs are involved in getting a sign for the business.  A professional signage company that provides its clients quality work will pride themselves on a quality finished product at a competitive price point.



Of course, then the signage company must be able to offer design services. This is especially important for the smaller business that might not retain the services of an marketing agency or a dedicated in-house design team.

The best signage companies will have in-house teams that can produce a number of designs that the client can then evaluate – and choose which one best represents their brand – and will feed their sales funnel. It is the design expertise in the signage industry that allows great sign companies to truly bring a company’s business to life.



Then, perhaps as importantly the signage company needs to offer a wide variety of options when it comes to signage. There are simply so many to choose from – and each has its place within the broader marketing mix.

Whether its interior or exterior the range of options include , storefront signs, canopy signs, digital signs, digital billboards, freestanding signs, wayfinding signs, and many more. A business’s sign is an extension of that company’s unique brand and identity.


Customer Service

A great signage company will also be able to provide options as far the materials that can be used for that signage and will deliver within the agreed-upon timeframes. A client also needs to factor in customer service – will a representative of the signage company be available at all times to answer questions and service their needs? Do they offer flexible schedules and understand the needs of certain customers? Will that company be able to service their sign when issues arise?

It’s the combination of expertise, customer service, scope of services, and products available – as well as competitive pricing while maintaining a high standard of quality that separates a great signage company from the average.

Making the right choice allows your company to achieve a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace while having a signage supplier that will take care of your needs.

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Business Signage

Why Good Signage Is An Important School Safety Feature


If you’re an educator, you want to provide your students with a safe learning environment at school. Sadly, most of the potential risks at school are caused by individuals who forget safety protocols or who might not even know what they are.

An effective way to address these safety risks is to put up good signage around the school. Most safety signs fall into the category of wayfinding signs – signs that provide information, direction, identification, or regulation


What Kinds Of Signs Would Your School Need?

To create a safe school environment for students, teachers, and visitors alike, you need to post signs that them where to go, what to do, and how to behave safely.

For example, let’s consider the recent developments in the pandemic. Schools are starting to open up again, and kids are excited to go back. They’re so excited to see their friends that they’ll forget half the things their parents taught them about safety at school.

This is where a clear and well-designed sign can help. The signs you need to post could remind your students to wash their hands often, use hand sanitizers, keep their masks on, stay at least six feet apart from someone else, don’t share school supplies, etc.

Other safety signs are general ones that apply to all school situations like don’t run in the hallway, don’t litter, etc.

Signs also identify areas where only school staff is allowed or where the custodian is working. Signs can also clearly mark entrances and exits so kids won’t run into each other, or know where the emergency exits are.


Tailor Your Sign To the Audience

We all know many kids have very short attention spans. If your sign has an inspiring message but it looks boring and is full of words, the kids won’t pay attention to it.

However, if you make the sign bright, colorful, and fun, and keep your message short, you’ll increase the likelihood that they’ll pay attention and remember the sign’s meaning.

Do the adults, including teachers, staff, and visitors, need signage too? Of course they do!

Adults forget things too, so they also need clear, and easily understandable reminders. For example, if there’s a teachers’ breakroom, it won’t hurt to post a sign reminding your colleagues to keep the kitchen area clean, wipe up their spills, turn off the coffee pot, don’t burn the popcorn, etc.  And the safety signs around COVID-19 apply to them just as much as the children.

Visitors definitely need good signage because they don’t know where rooms are in your school and they don’t know any of the procedures which may differ from school to school.


How Will You Get All This Done?

You can try making signs yourself, but unless you have the skills of a professional graphics designer and access to sign-making materials, your signs won’t function well or last very long.

Besides, you don’t have the time. So, the best approach is to contact a professional signage company. They do this for a living, and they can whip up as many beautiful signs as you need. You can discuss with them your ideas and the messages you want to get across, and the design team will make you awesome signs that you’ll be proud to post around your school.

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Business Signage

Importance of Digital Signage to Small and Medium-sized Businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses, including small brick and mortar types, face challenges when competing with corporate giants.  To combat these challenges, digital signage can be used as a platform to seize the attention of prospective customers and assist in driving customer traffic and boosting sales.

There are a number of remarkable cases in which digital signage is used to attract customers and interact with them in ways that can propel the business to success in record time.  Below are some of the benefits of small businesses digital signage:


Increased Visibility

Among the biggest problems faced by retailers, as it relates to self-promotion, is wading through the marketing noise produced by other businesses; whether on television or radio, in magazines and newspapers or from rival store signs.  Using digital signage can assist you in cutting through those distractions.  This can be done by attracting and directing the responsiveness of the most significant prospective buyers of all – individuals in a store who are prepared to make a purchase.



A big part of the appeal of digital signage is its versatility.  Banners and papers do have a certain appeal; however, digital signage has the ability to be versatile in ways in which they cannot.  This is primarily due to the capacity of digital signs to display a variety of content and also their ability for interactivity.  This is designed with the distinct capacity to pull potential customers in.



As was previously mentioned, small and medium-sized enterprises struggle to be competitive with larger corporations and companies.  However, digital signage provides a vital factor which can be used to level the playing field; it can be scaled and adapted to the sum of money available in your budget.

Smaller businesses have more flexibility when compared to larger ones, in that changes can be made more rapidly.  In a setting such as this, digital signage is an even more remarkable asset.  For a business owner, this could result in an inspiring and successful story.


It Saves Time

Having to prepare a static, printed sign tend to be expensive, labor intensive and time consuming.  With the use of digital signage, the same message can be generated and it can be displayed far more rapidly.

All these benefits of small businesses digital signage are designed to increase the awareness of passersby.  Additionally, digital signs are remarkable tools to use inside the establishment as a means of helping to drive purchases and upsells.

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Business Signage

The Evolution Of The Sign Industry

In today’s signs of all types are everywhere. As diverse as the types of signs that are available are the messages that come with them. Signs are used for everything from inviting customers to purchase a good or service to giving instructions (like in social education campaigns and traffic signals). One thing is for sure, irrespective of the type (i.e. design style) and the message conveyed, signs are a call to action for all who interact with them. Consequently, signs are judged based on their effectiveness in securing the desired response. So, just how the sign industry get started? Keep reading.


Early Beginnings of the Sign Industry


The first instances of signs being used dates back to 3000 BC and 500 AD during Roman and Greek times. Back then, leather, wood, stone, and terra cotta were the materials of choice and information was communicated using images as opposed to text that is popularly used in signage today. Importantly, while some of the earliest signs were used to represent religious affiliations (like the early Christians wearing the sign of the cross of ichthys), ancient Rome was also home to some of the first commercial signs available. 


Some signs were placed to identify shop fronts while others were used to identify certain trades and industries (like the red and white pole for barbers). Trade signs were also used to identify one house, street, or community from the other when the trade differed one to the next. 


Of course, as the times and technology evolved, so too did the type of signs we began to see. As the 1940s and 1950s rolled around the economic boost led to an increase in commercial activity – including, the production of quality plastic acrylic signs. As these were cheap and durable, these signs grew in popularity and many were used with fluorescent and neon bulbs in some instances. Eventually, other kinds of outdoor signs such as flags, banners, and A-frame signs became popular as well.


The Sign Industry Today


Today, more than ever before, there is a wide range of materials to choose from to make signs. Additionally, the technological revolution has allowed for new printers and material cutters that help to make signs more dynamic and well-designed than ever before. The addition of energy-saving LED bulbs will allow for 24/7 lighting that is cleaner and brighter than anything that has come before.


For More, Connect with Us!


There you have it. The evolution of the sign industry from inception to where it is today. For the best-suited, most effective signs for your business needs, please contact us today. A member of our team will be happy to speak with you about your options.


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Business Signage

Different types of signs-Their Pros and Cons

A properly installed and clear sign is critical since it speaks volumes about your business and shows you care about your image and presence. It also goes further to showcase that you are keen on the quality of your products. On the other hand, a poorly maintained sign can damage your image and create a completely opposite impression. By working with a reputable and experienced sign company, you can give your business a face through a good lighted or non-lighted sign. In this article, we focus on different types of signs, their pros and cons. 


Illuminated Channel Letter Signs


Lighted channel letter signs are becoming popular in the signage and advertising industry today. If you are looking to install lighted signs, then you are probably wondering if your utility bills will be sustainable. Without a doubt illuminated signs are powered by energy, but the extent of the cost can vary depending on the type of sign lighting. Read on to find out more about outdoor and indoor signage and the energy efficiency of each type. 


LED Signage


Light-emitting Diode commonly known as LED lights, are now used as both interior and exterior signage. They come in different designs, colors. They are considered the most energy efficient type out there. LED lights do not have filaments, so they do not produce heat. This means that every watt that you consume goes into creating light as opposed to heat. Energy experts have found that LED lights consume less than 20% of the energy used by incandescent lights to give the same amount of light. Besides, LEDs are durable (they last approximately 50,000 hours or roughly 11 years), so you want spent more on replacing your lights often. Check out our LED signs here.


High Intensity Discharge Lights (HID)


High intensity Discharge (HID) lights have been around for more than a century and have been used in the signage industry before the introduction of LED lights. However, their popularity has dwindled since the LEDs are twice as energy efficient compared to them. LED lights. HID lights have been in use for over 100 years and are available in a variety of colors.

Although they are still in use, albeit on a small scale, they take some time to warm up, they produce UV and IR radiation, which are a health risk. In addition, they begin to flicker and fade when they approach the end of their lifespan.

Neon Signs

Neon signs have been used for over a century but their popularity has dropped because of lack of aesthetic appeal and the fact that they are not as energy efficient. They are not as clear as one would want, so they are less preferred today.


Free Standing Signs


Freestanding signs are the type of signs that are not attached to a structure. They can be classified as pole signs and lower profile monument signs. They are used to identify a business or entity. They feature a perpendicular orientation for increased visibility.


Pole Signs


Pole signs, also called pylon signs, feature poles, columns or sign cabinets as support structures. The signage can be installed on a simple pole or an elaborate structure that feature architectural add-ons such as cornicles, tiles or stucco that blends well with the structure. The downside of pole signs is that the local codes may restrict their height hence may not be visible by motorists moving at a faster speed.  These signs are common to restaurants, gas stations, and hotels.


Street oriented pole signs are smaller (usually under 50 feet high) and are meant to attract the attention of slowly moving motorists travelling on surface streets. They can be used in combination with freeway signs to create a more detailed signage.


Monument Signs


Monument signs are used to identify the business to pedestrians passing by and motorists. They are usually shorter than pole signs (they range anywhere between 3ft and 15ft), and feature a base to provide support. They are preferred by landlords and local codes to declutter the place. In other words, they are designed to complement that structures.


Final Thoughts


If you are keen on the aesthetic value and energy efficiency of your signs, opt for LED digital signage since they are about 10 times more energy efficient compared to neon signs. For more information about lighted or non-lighted signage, contact a reputable signage company to help you design your interior and exterior signs so you can increase the visibility of your business.


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